Tag Archives: TWO RPG

Welcome Comments and Criticism!

PS 18 JULY 2023: I have gotten some feedback about the cover art, and some of these comments/criticism seem to involve a misunderstanding of the purpose of the game system. That is of course my fault. Above, I state the purpose as “remove all reference to the OGL 1.0a and any content that falls under it”. In this regard I think I was successful (but again if you see something that could somehow be attacked under copyright or other basis please let me know). However, my ultimate goal was to create an open source set of rules that can be used to play OSR type games by creative GMs looking for something to build adventures upon, and game designers to use to create their own games. So I did not pay a lot of attention to art or imagery. I just punched a few words into an AI art generator and picked the brightest colors available. The fact that some hate the cover art so much as to reject the content is a head scratcher for me, but since I did not intend it for commercial sale… oh well — I never claimed to be a good judge of art or style. Notwithstanding the cover art which many find offensive, I hope you find the rules useful.

T.W.O. RPG is Finished!

T.W.O. RPG with the completion of the SPELLS & MAGIC ITEMS supplements is now done. The goal was to create a non-OGL set of light rules compatible with 3.5 stuff.

It is published under the most open Creative Commons license, so feel free to use it as you see fit. Comments and suggestions are of course welcome!

‘T.W.O. RPG – Rules’ Now Published

The game is now on ITCHIO, LULU, and AMAZON.

Here is a set of rules I came up with in an effort to remove all reference to the OGL 1.0a and any content that falls under it.

I have a problem with rules so bloated that no one can figure out what anything means without a ouija board. I also dislike rules that are so ‘lite’ that they leave out important parts that are required to make the game playable. T.W.O. RPG is intended to be a ‘lite’ yet complete set of rules.

This is just the Rules. I am working on additional sections: Wealth Weapons Equipment, Monsters, and Spells. Coming Soon!