Sviad, Prince of Colchis; Pearce Deacon

This is a tale of historical fiction set on the Bronze Age shores of the Black Sea. The most powerful nation in the region was Urartu, and Colchis, now a part of modern Georgia, was its vassal.

Sviad, Prince of Cholchis, is sent to Urartu to bring gifts, confirm the alliance between Urartu and Colchis, and to receive further training at the court of the Emperor Ishpuini of Urartu, Victorious Against Assyria, Conqueror of Musasir, and King of the land of Nairi!

Sviad is making excellent progress in his training when he receives a strange message from his uncle; his father is dead and he must return to Colchis immediately.

And so begins the adventure of Sviad, Prince of Colchis.

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