Tag Archives: black hack

REVIEW: The Black Hack 2e

The Black Hack 2e

I have had a copy of The Black Hack bouncing around my hard drive for a long time, but I never got the chance to play it before. I have played hacks of The Black Hack, but never the beast itself!

Now I am happy to say that has been remedied. My Tuesday night ‘lite games’ group has been playing The Black Hack and it is great, particularly on Foundry. At first I didn’t even bother reading the rules since Foundry sort of does all that stuff for you, but I finally broke down and dived in. Here is my review!

The Black Hack 2e is a ttrpg designed to be rules-light and easy to learn. It is an updated version of the original Black Hack game which includes a number of new features and improvements.

One of the most notable aspects of the Black Hack 2e is its simplicity. The game uses a very streamlined set of rules, which allows players to focus on storytelling and roleplaying rather than getting bogged down in complex mechanics. This makes it an ideal game for beginners, or for groups who are looking for a more casual, laid-back experience.

Despite its simplicity, the Black Hack 2e still manages to offer a lot of flexibility and customization options. The game uses the same 6 Attributes that we are used to, and offers 4 different character classes, as well as a wide variety of monsters. This allows for a lot of creativity and variety in gameplay, even within the context of the relatively simple ruleset.

Another strength of the Black Hack 2e is how easy it is to pick up and play, with a minimal amount of setup or preparation required. I would think that this makes it an ideal choice for impromptu gaming sessions, or for groups who don’t have a lot of time to devote to gaming.

Overall, the Black Hack 2e is a great choice for anyone who is looking for a simple, flexible, and accessible tabletop RPG. That’s my .02.